
The best helper - Kinesio Tape

This is an article about Kinesio Tape.

I use Kinesio Tape to my practice often. Many of my clients notice a differences when applies tape good way.
Kinesio Tape is not only for athletes. 75 percent of Kinesio Tape users are non-athletes; carpo tunnel, frozen shoulder, low back pain, whiplash, and etc...

don't want wear big & thic blace but need some support,
going to trip / long drive,
a day before sport event,
quick / temporay reduce pain simptom
Kinesio Tape will be your the best helper!

Miki Morrow, LMP
in Vancovuer, WA

2 件のコメント:

  1. ディズニーワールドマラソン前日のEXPOにてキネシオテープのブース、ならびにならびまっくていて大繁盛でしたよ!

  2. 匿名2/16/2013

    キネシオテープの知名度どんどんあがってきてますね~! イェイ!!
