
The Perfect Runner

This video from vimeo.

I wish I can run like them. It's just beautiful.



Office will close from April 30th to May 2nd,  Due to attend WA Chapter Massage Convention and Continue Education class.

I'll take photos and up date on FB!


Another year

It's been three years and I received beautiful flowers from boss at Quantum Integrated Health.

I am so lucky to work with cool staffs and clients. Keep me busy to always learn for something. 


Kinesio Tape

A  client brought Kinesio Tapes when she scheduled for massage. This client comes my practice because Kinesio tape. Yes, I am Certified Kinesio Tape practitioner.

Kinesio taping method founder is Japanese Dr. almost 30 years ago, now one of popular treatment for Physical therapists and chiropractors in U.S.A.
There are many kind of Kinesio tape, but this is the original.  http://www.kinesiotaping.com/